Promote and provide healthy food and drinks
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to promote healthy eating and ensure that food and drinks provided are nutritious, appropriate for each child and prepared in a safe and hygienic manner.This unit applies to educators working in a range of education and care services.
The student has promoted healthy eating by
- Engaging children in experiences, conversations and routines that promote relaxed and enjoyable mealtimes and promote healthy lifestyles and good nutrition
- Modelling, reinforce and implement healthy eating and nutrition practices with children during mealtimes
- Supporting and guide children to eat healthy food
- Checking that children have ready access to water and are offered healthy food and drinks regularly throughout the day
- Assisting in ensuring that furniture and utensils are suitable to encourage children to be positively involved in and enjoy mealtimes
- The student has planned food and drinks that are nutritious and appropriate for each child where
- Within scope of own work, ensured children are provided with food and drink consistent with the guidelines for healthy eating
- Assisted in ensuring children’s individual needs are consistent with advice provided by families about their child’s dietary requirements, likes, dislikes and any cultural or other requirements families have regarding their child’s nutrition
- Read and interpret food labels and other information about food contents
- Assisted in providing education and support to families around healthy eating
- Assisted to develop and display a cycle of written menus detailing the food that is provided to children
The student has maintained food safety while carrying out food-handling activities
- Assisted in developing and maintaining food safety procedures according to relevant guidelines
- Within scope of own work role, carried out food-handling, preparation and storage according to service policies and procedures and regulatory requirements.
Followed food safety procedures when preparing food
Knowledge Evidence:
The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. These include knowledge of:
how to access:
the National Quality Framework
the National Quality Standards
the relevant approved learning framework
how to navigate through framework and standards documents to find areas relevant to this unit of competency
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
code of ethics
food allergies, food intolerance’s, contamination and/or allergic reactions in meal preparation and possible reactions, including anaphylaxis
infant feeding requirements and guidelines
recommendations for healthy eating – Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, including Get Up and Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood resources
implications of poor diet including tooth decay, deficiencies, poor concentration, out of character behaviour
food-handling requirements, preventing microorganism contamination and/or allergic reactions
importance of addressing individual dietary needs and preferences with particular reference to specific cultural, religious or health requirements
organisational standards, policies and procedures.

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